Monday, September 17, 2007



janie said...

Oh no did the groom take a rain check:)
great drawing, lovely loose lines.

countrygarden said...

she looks very sad. wonderful drawing, love your lines, full of expression.

C. said...

So well done--the slump of her shoulders says it all.

Tyler Davis said...

I am impressed at how much you can say using so few lines. Two prints eh? Well the squid rocks. Um...I liked the skeleton too. But I'm trying to remember which of your other works took me by storm.
PS-which one is the "other" one?
pss-Society of Illustrators Call for entry ends Oct 1st, less then a month to enter...

Anette Heiberg said...

This is beautiful! I love the limited use of colors, it makes it very elegant.

Anette Heiberg
my etsy shop

arxo said...

great body posture...
You definitely captured the mood ...

Dave said...

Wow. Very emotional.
You've captured the experience so well, I would think that YOU had been left at the alter... :)
Well... not that I would know what that experience would be like... but you definitely captured how I would imagine it to be.