I forgot to mention that today was the first time I had ever used the 'squatty-pottie' (Japanese style toilets). It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I thought I would fall in or pee all over myself. But it's not bad at all. Don't be afraid of the squatty-pottie!
Haha. Ok, no temere el mentado "squatty-pottie". Escuche unas canciones del cd que me hiciste hace tiempo. Me hizo acordarme de muchas cosas. Gracias por tu amistad mujer, al convivir contigo arprendi muchas cosas, tando de ti misma como de cosas que pasaron. En realidad me hubiera encantado haber tenido mas tiempo para convivir contigo. El tiempo pasa rapido, siguelo aprovechando y aprendiendo en "la tierra del sol naciente". Saludos y mantente en contacto.
hey Holly! I didn't know you were in japan! that's stinkin awesome! I hope you have a good time!
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